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Best Luxury Hotel In Rome 3
Best Luxury Hotel In Rome 4
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Best Luxury Hotel In Rome

Rome shows itself in all its beauty from Borgognoni Hotel, a short walk from the Spanish Steps 4-star hote, a beautiful walk at any time of the day: in the morning when you wake up in Rome for a typical breakfast in the shadow of beautiful Trinita dei Monti, until the evening for a romantic walk in the moonlight.

In the morning walk to the most beautiful baroque square in the world, perhaps to enjoy a cappuccino in peace, without the crowds of tourists that always flock on the Spanish Steps, is a unique experience. Certainly the breakfast of our four-star hotel is perfect for an unforgettable holiday, between the walls of a historic building unique for beauty and style, comforted by the impeccable service of our hotel to enjoy the fresh goodness of the breakfast products every day. Then you can enjoy the Spanish Steps in its busiest hours, the streets all around crowded with tourists looking for the glamor of its luxury shop windows displaying high fashion and jewelery known all over the world. Get to Via Condotti, admire more luxury stores and its historic cafes, the legendary cafés of the Greeks, the Roman historical Café, a prestige "club" for literary meetings and, with more than 300 works on display in the halls, the world largest private Art gallery opened to the public.

And in the evening, walking in the area around Hotel Borgognoni and Spanish Steps is one of Rome's most beautiful romantic walks, dazzled by the moonlight that Roman is refracted on the steps of Trinita dei Monti. Then be greeted by the elegance of our four-star hotel in Rome that welcomes you like your home.

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